Genji x Anxious Reader

A friend requested Reader comforting Genji during a panic attack on @thegenjicorner. Thought I’d write the reverse!

Genji found his lap unexpectedly occupied by you. You, shaking, curled up, and clinging to his body. His arms automatically welcomed you.

“What’s wrong?!” he asked, alarmed.

“I-I’m scared,” you whined. Then you choked on your next breath, snot clogging your airways. You nosed his collarbone piece, not wanting him to see the emotion in your eyes. The visor covering his face wasn’t making it any less awkward for you.

“I’m here,” he said softly.

Perhaps it was his imagination, but you had been cold to him until now. It had stung like rejection even though the two of you had barely spoken. Now here you were, human as he knew he was, and vulnerable, with your tear-soaked cheeks. The coldness was all gone now, as you lay your head between his chest pieces. He wanted to ask about how comfortable that must not be but with the way you still trembled, it didn’t seem the time.

He tightened his hold around your body a mite more, your chest expanding against the loop of his arms as you breathed deep. You were slowly calmed.

Genji rocked you next. He rocked you side-to-side while your heart slowed from a panicked gallop to a trot. He put the side of his helm to the top of your head in lieu of his actual cheek. He wished someone had comforted him like this while he was in Blackwatch. But at least he was here, now. For you.

Genji wished he could be there for you in the future, too. He suspected there was a beautiful and kind soul under your previous coldness. He held you even closer with that thought in mind. Genji’s heart did a happy flip when you hummed with approval, shifting around to get more comfortable.


All Might alphabet game: J, K, N, R, T, V, Y

J ealousy – Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?

  • It’s not plain jealousy with All Might.
  • He trusts his s/o and knows they wouldn’t play on his emotions deliberately.
  • When he notices someone talking to them or acting very friendly, All Might may get uneasy, but won’t step in right away. He’ll keep an eye on what happens next, but won’t intervene unless he’s sure it’s necessary.
  • Forbidding you to interact with anyone beside him would be abusive and controlling – things All Might doesn’t want in your relationship.

K iss – Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?

  • All Might is a rather good kisser.
  • He’s shy and wouldn’t experiment on his own, and would definitely blush if you playfully bit his lip.

N icknames – What do they call their s/o?

  • “My Hero” is one of his personal favorites.

R omance – How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?

  • All Might is the definition of romantic. A dinner by candlelight? No problem. He’d dress in a tux and wear this big grin of his the whole time.
  • He’s closer to cliche, but could be creative too if he wants to surprise you on some special occasion.

T hrill – Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?

  • All Might enjoys routine, especially if it’s a slow, calm routine.
  • He’s a hero, so his life lacks both of those things on daily basis. He’s used to getting home late only to get another call or hear about another villain he could stop.
  • He enjoys lazy mornings when he’s sure nothing will break the bubble and throw him back on the streets to fight crime. There is certain magic in preparing breakfast for someone else, knowing it’s his day off and he can use it however he pleases.

V alue – How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?

  • It’s very important.
  • All Might has lost so much through his life – friends he hoped to grow old with, his youth spent on running through the streets and fighting criminals all day long, and possible relationships he had to sacrifice in order to fulfill his duty as no. 1 hero.
  • Growing older allowed him to gain certain perspective on what’s truly valuable in life, and the answer is clear – it’s the things that may be so easily lost forever.
  • All Might is very happy he has finally met someone willing to have a life with him and share its ups and downs.

Y earning – How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?

  • All Might would call as often as possible.
  • He’d think about his s/o very often. He’d probably try to take his mind off with work, but he would catch himself thinking about you anyway.